What is POLITICO Pro

What is POLITICO Pro?

One meeting, one line of legislation or one leadership change can have a big impact on policy. POLITICO Pro is a smart, personalized policy intelligence platform that helps teams who create, influence or are impacted by policy do their jobs. We help you get informed quickly, act confidently and communicate effectively, so you can do what you do best – impact policy.

What is a policy intelligence platform?

POLITICO Pro is a single destination that brings together policy reporting, data, analysis, and tools into one place — the Pro Edge platform. Rather than having countless disparate resources for the policy information you need, we’ve built one place where you can complete all your policy work.

One Pro customer said it perfectly,

As someone who has always done government relations work manually for organizations with small government relations teams, POLITICO Pro is AMAZING. Life-changing.

How does POLITICO Pro help policy professionals?

1. Understand Policy Movement and Context Quickly

POLITICO Pro helps you understand and contextualize policy movement the moment it happens. With Pro, you get access to all of our news across 21 coverage areas (16 policy areas, 4 states and Canada). Our suite of policy tools – like our legislative and regulatory trackers – then help you understand the full picture of major policy developments.

2. Make Strategic Decisions and Act Confidently

Decisions that impact the policies you care about often happen without any warning, but you need the facts to make strategic decisions. By bringing together smart technology, actionable data and the largest nonpartisan policy newsroom in the country, you can be confident you’re getting the most accurate and up-to-date information, so you’re always one step ahead.

3. Communicate Effectively and Lead the Conversation

Whether it’s your job to monitor, influence or implement policy, you need to communicate effectively with internal and external audiences. POLITICO Pro helps you get smart quickly, understand trends and arms you with the analysis you need to lead the conversation on the policies important to you and your stakeholders.

Want to learn about POLITICO Pro’s subscription plans? Visit our plans page.

Content produced outside of the POLITICO Pro newsroom.

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