Pull the Levers that Influence Outcomes

Access comprehensive analyses for insights into Capitol Hill, Albany, and Sacramento. Gain a deeper understanding of the political dynamics, conditions, and policy debates in Congress and across key state legislatures.

Pro Analysis Tools

Enhance Your Legislative Impact with Three Essential Analyses

Pro Issue Analysis, Pro Data Analysis, and Pro Bill Analysis – all play a key role in helping you gain clarity on complex issues, analyze critical data, and navigate the legislative landscape successfully.


Pro Issue Analysis provides three-page snapshots to help you quickly understand the key players, understand the issues, and what’s at stake so you know exactly what to do next.


Break down complex issues, legislative procedures, and people so you can understand the data behind the legislation in an intuitive, visual format using Pro Data Analysis.


Communicate quickly and effectively with key stakeholders on the key points, players, expected votes, and more for upcoming legislation when you leverage Pro Bill Analysis.

Unlock Comprehensive Insights

Gain a deeper understanding of the legislative and regulatory environment in Washington and from Albany to Sacramento.

Procedural Intel

Legislative processes, procedures, agendas, and policy priorities driving the attention and actions of the Hill and in California and New York.

  • Budget & Appropriations
  • Legislative Process
  • Legislative Agenda

Insight on congressional members, committees, and the interplay influencing policy debates at both federal and state levels.

  • Congress Member Bios
  • Congressional Committees
  • Interplay of policy & politics

Legislative actions on marquee bills in each industry, conditions for viability, and relevant industry dynamics, including state-level insights for New York and California.

  • Agriculture
  • Cannabis
  • Cybersecurity
  • Defense
  • Education
  • Employment & Immigration
  • Finance
  • Health Care
  • Sustainability
  • Tax
  • Trade
  • Transportations
  • And more

Discover the breadth and depth of Pro insights by downloading a sample today.

Using this suite of insights, along with the Stakeholder Analysis feature, you can turbocharge your legislative research and better navigate Congress’s complexities, leading to more favorable outcomes.

Procedural Intel
Congressional procedure for budget reconciliation
Congressional procedure for budget reconciliation
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People Intel
Senate Appropriations Committee
Senate Appropriations Committee
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Industry Intel
Biden got most of what he wanted in foreign aid bill
Biden got most of what he wanted in foreign aid bill
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